Last week I bought a Google Nexus One and I gave my iPhone to my girlfriend. I can tell I don't miss my iPhone. Android is great. It's really everything people says. Fast, beautifull, smart, and OPEN.
Build applications for it is so much easy that even knowing nothing about Android development I built this little application called SD Speed Test.
Nexus One come with a 4GB MicroSD card so I decided to buy another one with bigger capacity. The problem is there are so much China made on the market and even stores don't know for sure if they are selling a fake or not. So I decided to build my SD Card Speed test application to test the true speed of the MicroSD card.
Here you can see some screenshots . I cared enough to make it compatible with older versions of android such as 1.5.
Build applications for it is so much easy that even knowing nothing about Android development I built this little application called SD Speed Test.
Nexus One come with a 4GB MicroSD card so I decided to buy another one with bigger capacity. The problem is there are so much China made on the market and even stores don't know for sure if they are selling a fake or not. So I decided to build my SD Card Speed test application to test the true speed of the MicroSD card.
Here you can see some screenshots . I cared enough to make it compatible with older versions of android such as 1.5.

To install it search for "SD Card Speed Tester" or Just "SD Card" at Android's Marketplace on your android's phone.
Hope it can be useful to someone else.
Thank you very much, this is EXACTLY what I needed for my HTC Incredible. Not even HTC can tell you what class of MicroSD(+HD) is usable (I've been told it MAY support up to Class 4). Thankfully I have a few cards myself so I should be able to find out the real max speed and share this data with others =).
Thank you for the iphone :)
Why I can't find it in Android Market? Is it available to China user?
Can't find it either on the Market, used the barcode from androlib without any result either, from Sweden here.
cant find it through market... what happened?
Is it really measuring the external SD-card on my Samsung Galaxy S (mounted on /sdcard/external_sd/ ) or the internal 'sd card' which is on /sdcard ?
Thanks for the useful program.
But it seems that it requires a little more options.
On Samsung Galaxy S there is internal SD card, that is mounted to /sdcard/
External SD card is mounted to /sdcard/sd
So it seems that when i run the test, it actually tests SGS's internal SD card, but i want it to perform on external...
The program writes/reads a file to the /sdcard/sd path.
Options to choose a path will be implemented soon. I just have to find some free time do do it.
Thanks for the feedback
I don't see it on the market.
Most likely you need to drop compatibility with 1.5 to get compatibility with lower resolution phones.
Wish I could be your girlfriend...but be asking for android instead (boooo)..
Anyway, the tools worked... And it does show different result for my kingston 8gb class 2 and 4 gb class 4. But get confuse when using 16gb class 4 which is slower than 8gb class 2.
I can't find it in the market under any name. Was it drop from the market? I used it before in worked great.
Use SD Card Tester instead. This one I removed from Android Market.
With the new SD Card Tester you can set the target folder to different mount points and can define the sized o the test files. This way you can test a card mounted anywhere and can test the entire card which will find for fake and damaged cards as well.
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